Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why did I decide to cook from such a hard to get book?

So. Delays delays.

I have lots of excuses. But I also have a finished blog about artichokes that I haven't posted. And that's because I'm lazy I suppose.

I held onto the library's copy of VFAZ for much too long. I still haven't gone back in to see how much I owe them.

Then I went on vacation! I made a fair number of delicious things while on vacation, including a recipe from the cookbook. But I didn't take the time to xerox a few recipes so I could make something new.

I ordered my own copy of the book online when I was on vacation, thinking it would be here around the time I got back.

Well that was three weeks ago.

The website I ordered from no longer carries the book but never thought to email me and let me know that. So now I'm waiting for a refund and I will try to order it somewhere else.

Amazon has a few copies but they are all over $100!!! The book's list price is around $55.

For now, I'm going to head back to the library and pay my fines (which are probably as much as the damn book) and then start again.

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